baramulla eco park ~ island baramulla eco park ~ what to do in baramulla eco park

baramulla eco park

Baramulla Eco Park

Baramulla Eco Park is a beautiful and well maintained park located in the town of Baramulla in Jammu and Kashmir. It is situated on an island in the middle of the Jhelum River and is accessible by a wooden bridge(suspension bridge). The park is known for its natural beauty, biodiversity, and well-maintained gardens.

The park is spread over an area of 20 acres and is home to a variety of flora and fauna. Some of the plants that can be found in the park include chinar trees, willow trees, poplars, and cedars. The park is also home to a variety of birds, including kingfishers, herons, and ducks.

For guests of all ages, the park has a range of attractions. A play area for kids with swings, slides, and other toys is there. A walking route and a running track are also present. Additionally, visitors may hire bicycles and ride them throughout the park.

There is a cafeteria in the park where visitors can purchase snacks and drinks. There are also a number of benches and picnic tables where visitors can relax and enjoy the natural beauty of the park.

Baramulla Eco Park is a popular destination for both locals and tourists. It is a great place to relax and enjoy the fresh air, or to go for a walk, jog, or bike ride. The park is a well-liked location for family outings and picnics.

Baramulla Eco Park was developed by the Jammu and Kashmir Tourism Development Corporation (JKTDC) in 2019. The island was previously used as a landfill, but it was cleaned up and transformed into a park in 2019.

The park was inaugurated by Mr. Muzaffar Beigh, a former deputy chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir. The park is a blend of modern substructure and natural exquisiteness.

Location of Baramulla Eco Park

The distance between Srinagar and Baramulla Eco Park is 59.6 km along NH1. It takes 1 hour and 27 minutes to drive from Srinagar to Baramulla Eco Park.

The distance between Baramulla Main Market and baramulla eco park is 5.9 km along Main Bazar Baramulla. It takes 16 minutes to drive from Baramulla Main Market to baramulla eco park.

Natural beauty of the baramulla eco park

The baramulla eco park is incredibly beautiful and makes you feel calm and happy in nature. Let’s look at some of the reasons why it’s so pretty.

Beautiful Landscape: The park sits in a beautiful place called the Baramulla valley. It’s like a cozy spot in between really tall and impressive mountains that usually have lots of green plants on them. These tall mountains make the park look even more beautiful. It’s like having a fantastic painting behind the park that makes everything look amazing.

Man Made Lake: The park has a pretty lake that people made. It’s not a natural lake, but it’s lovely to look at. The water in the lake is very clear and calm. When you look at it, you can see the mountains around it, and it makes you feel peaceful and relaxed.

Regional plants: Baramulla eco park has many different types of plants and trees that belong there. This shows how many different kinds of nature there are in the area. When you walk around the park, you’ll see lots of colorful flowers and leaves on the plants and trees.

Wildlife: The park’s natural setting provides a habitat for local wildlife, and if you’re lucky, you might spot some birds and small animals as you wander along its walking trails.

Riverside Location: The park is next to a river called the Jhelum River. This river makes the park even more beautiful. The sound of the flowing river makes the place very peaceful. You can also take nice walks by the river and relax there..

Greenery and Landscaping: The park looks really nice because they take good care of the grass, gardens, and how things are arranged. All the plants and green stuff make the park feel calm and relaxing for people who come to visit.

Seasonal Changes: Depending on the time of year you visit, the park’s natural beauty may vary. In spring, you can expect to see blossoming flowers, while autumn may bring vibrant foliage, and winter may offer a serene, snow covered landscape.

Biodiversity: The park’s commitment to ecological awareness is evident in its efforts to preserve the local ecosystem. This commitment is reflected in the variety of plant species, some of which may be rare or unique to the region.

Things to do at the baramulla eco park

Visiting baramulla eco park offers a range of enjoyable activities for nature enthusiasts and families. Here are some of the things you can do at the park.

Enjoy the Scenic Views: Take in the breathtaking natural beauty of the park and the surrounding Baramulla valley. The park’s location offers stunning views of mountains, greenery, and the Jhelum River.

Boating: Explore the man made lake by renting a boat or paddleboat. It’s a serene and peaceful experience on the water.

Walking and Hiking: The park features walking trails that meander through the lush greenery. These trails are perfect for leisurely walks and easy hikes. They also provide opportunities for birdwatching and wildlife observation.

Picnicking: Bring your own picnic basket and enjoy a meal with family and friends in designated picnic areas within the park. It’s a great way to relax and have a meal in the midst of nature.

Botanical Garden Exploration: Visit the park’s botanical garden to learn about different plant species, both native and exotic. It’s an educational experience for those interested in plants and horticulture.

Children’s Play Area: If you have kids, let them have fun in the park’s designated play area, complete with swings, slides, and other playground equipment.

Cultural Events: Keep an eye out for special cultural events, fairs, and exhibitions that may be hosted at the park. These events can offer insights into the local culture, crafts, and cuisine.

Photography: The park’s natural beauty and gorgeous views make it a great place for photography. Capture the stunning landscapes and moments of relaxation.

Nature Appreciation: Take some time to simply sit and appreciate the natural surroundings. Listen to the sounds of birds, enjoy the breeze, and connect with the tranquility of the environment.

Learn About Eco-Friendly Practices: While at the park, observe its eco-friendly infrastructure, such as solar lighting and rainwater harvesting systems. It’s a chance to learn about sustainable practices and their importance.

Relaxation: Above all, baramulla eco park offers a peaceful atmosphere where you can unwind, meditate, or read a book amidst the soothing sounds of nature.

The wooden huts of baramulla eco park

wooden huts of baramulla eco park are one of the most unique and popular features of the park. The huts are made of traditional Kashmiri wood and are decorated in traditional Kashmiri style. The huts are located in a secluded area of the park, surrounded by lush green gardens and the Jhelum River.

The wooden huts offer a unique and authentic Kashmiri experience. Visitors can stay in the huts and enjoy the peace and quiet of the park. The huts are equipped with all the basic amenities, such as beds, blankets, and toilets. Visitors can also order food and drinks from the park’s cafeteria.

The wooden huts are a great place to learn about the local culture and traditions. Visitors can interact with the park staff and learn about their way of life. The park staff can also arrange for cultural performances and other activities for visitors.

Here are some of the things you can do at the wooden huts of baramulla eco park:

Enjoy the park’s natural splendor as you unwind. The wooden cottages are tucked away in a quiet corner of the park, next to the Jhelum River and surrounded by beautiful greenery. It is the ideal location for unwinding and taking in the tranquility of nature.

Learn about the local culture and traditions. The park staff can tell you about the local culture and traditions. You can also interact with other visitors and learn about their experiences.

Enjoy traditional Kashmiri cuisine. The park’s cafeteria serves a variety of traditional Kashmiri dishes. You can also ask the park staff to prepare special dishes for you.

Participate in cultural activities. The park staff can arrange for cultural performances and other activities for visitors. This is a fantastic method to discover more about the customs and culture of the area.

If you are looking for a unique and authentic Kashmiri experience, then you should stay in one of the wooden huts at baramulla eco park.

Best time to visit baramulla eco park

The best time to visit baramulla eco park depends on your personal preferences. The park is open all time, but the best time to visit in terms of weather is during the spring (April-May) and autumn (September-October).

During these months, the weather is mild and sunny, with average temperatures ranging from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. The park is also less crowded during these months, so you can enjoy a more relaxed and peaceful experience.

If you are interested in winter sports, then the best time to visit baramulla eco park is during the winter (December-February). The park is located near several popular ski resorts, such as Gulmarg and Pahalgam. However, keep in mind that the weather in Kashmir can be very cold during the winter, with temperatures often dropping below freezing.

Here is a more detailed breakdown of the best time to visit baramulla eco park season wise:

Spring: The spring is a great time to visit baramulla eco park because the weather is mild and sunny, and the park is in full bloom. You can enjoy the beautiful flowers and the lush green gardens.

Summer: The summer can be quite hot in Kashmir, with temperatures often reaching above 30 degrees Celsius. However, baramulla eco park is located on an island in the Jhelum River, so there is always a breeze. You can also enjoy swimming and boating in the river.

Autumn: The autumn is another great time to visit baramulla eco park because the weather is mild and sunny, and the park is full of colorful leaves. You can also enjoy harvesting fruits and vegetables from the park’s gardens.

Winter: The winter can be very cold in Kashmir, with temperatures often dropping below freezing. However, if you are interested in winter sports, then the winter is the best time to visit baramulla eco park. The park is located near several popular ski resorts, such as Gulmarg and Pahalgam.

No matter what time of year you choose to visit baramulla eco park, you are sure to have a wonderful time. The park is a beautiful and peaceful place where you can relax and enjoy the natural beauty of Kashmir.


Eco Park Baramulla is a beautiful and gorgeous views located in the town of Baramulla in Jammu and Kashmir. It is a blend of modern substructure and natural exquisiteness. The park offers a variety of attractions, including lush green gardens, beautifully designed wooden huts, a children’s play area, a cafeteria, a jogging track, and a viewing deck with panoramic views of the Jhelum River and the surrounding mountains.

Eco Park Baramulla is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike. It is a great place to relax and enjoy the fresh air, or to go for a walk, jog, or bike ride. Picnics and family get-togethers are also common at the park.

In addition to its recreational value, baramulla eco park also plays an important role in environmental conservation. The park helps to protect the biodiversity of the region and to promote sustainable tourism practices.

Eco Park Baramulla is a great place to visit any time of year. However, the best time to visit is during the spring (April-May) and autumn (September-October) when the weather is mild and sunny.

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